The Webseries

Below is the pilot for the potential webseries of The Bric a Brac Shop, a paranormal series on the enchanted products in an old second hand store. Products ranging from antiques, second hand goods, odds and ends, which some people call ‘BRIC A BRAC’. Imagine bringing something home to have it release it’s energy onto you and your surroundings. The magic or fear you could invoke. Beware what you take home.

The series is based on the legend that things retained the energies and magic from where they came from. With their new owners these are released to cause magic or havoc, and hence our stories begin.

The concept was thought of a while ago, but evolved with the Raindance UK Fast Track program. However due to a lack of interest it was 'shelved'. Hopefully there will be future interest to resurrect it, or to evolve it into a feature film.

Further below are our accolades and our 'making of'.  Click on the pictures below to be taken to the relevant pages.

Our promotional teasers. Watch here.

The Body, the hand
The Body!

Our Awards and accolades. See them here.

Cult Critic Movie Awards

See behind the scenes here.

Behind the scenes
Filming Perfect Picture L to R: Gavin Farlie, Hebe Renard, Jouni Uotinen, Thomas Scott, Nathan LI

And the meaning and The Legend

Ancient Chinese Painting

And a generous THANKS for our cast, crew, and everyone that was involved.